Top 3 unhealthy things in your office carpets

 We don’t typically consider what’s hidden among the fibres of office rugs. When you think about the dirty feet, food, and other contaminants trodden around the office floor daily, it’s no surprise that vacuuming alone isn’t enough and hiring a professional carpet cleaning New York is necessary.

Most commercial and office carpets are made to endure a long time and to resist considerable foot activity. As an added safeguard, these carpets are frequently made with unique colors and patterns, making stains more difficult to detect.

However, as the adage goes, just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. According to research, your office carpet could be harboring up to 200,000 germs particles per square inch (nearly 700 times more than on your toilet seat).

Here are the top things you didn’t realise were hidden beneath your office carpets:

  1. A dead skin

We shed a surprisingly large amount of skin daily as humans (about 600,000 particles of skin every hour, to be exact). One can only imagine the volume of dead skin cells that collect on office carpets, given the number of employees and other guests who frequent your workplace throughout the day.

2. Rotten food waste

You can bet that examining the carpets in your office will reveal traces of crumbs and microscopic food particles that have been allowed to rot over time, staining the carpet and producing unpleasant odours. If anyone has ever dropped food or spilled a drink on the carpet and didn’t get it cleaned up immediately, you can bet that it happened more than likely.

3. Dust & allergens

Carpets contain 100 times the allergens found in hard flooring. One of the most common reasons of office allergies is dust mites. Add to that the myriad of additional allergens tracked through carpets regularly, such as pollen, dust, or dander, and it’s simple to see why more employees may be feeling heightened allergic or asthma symptoms around the office.

Wrapping it up!

Regularly deep cleaning and sanitizing office carpets ensure a healthier environment for your employees and customers, which is always excellent for business. Selecting a professional carpet cleaning New York with the appropriate industrial cleaning equipment and specialized supplies is critical to keeping your carpets clean and well-maintained at all times.


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